Contact Us

Where to find us

Resource Recovery Group - Booragoon (Head Office)
Address 9 Aldous Place, Booragoon, WA, 6154
Postal Address PO Box 1501, Booragoon, WA, 6954
Telephone +61 8 9329 2700
Resource Recovery Group - Canning Vale Centre
Address 350 Bannister Road, Canning Vale, WA, 6155
Postal Address PO Box 1501, Booragoon, WA, 6954
Telephone +61 8 9256 9555
Opening Hours Monday – Sunday 8am – 4pm

Resource Recovery Group Canning Vale - Location

Use the form below to give us your views on the Resource Recovery Group's Canning Vale Centre, ask us questions about recycling, or give us feedback about the tours. We’d love to hear from you!

When you complete this form your comments and details may be shared with Local and Regional Councillors, State and Federal MPs, and relevant government departments.