Register of Primary and Annual Returns
Regulation 29C of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 prescribes the following information to be published on the Council’s official website:
- The name of each council member who lodged a primary return or annual return for a financial year beginning on or after 1 July 2021.
- The position of each employee who lodged a primary return or annual return for a financial year beginning on or after 1 July 2021.
The register below contains all council members and the position titles of employees who lodged primary and annual returns from 1 July 2021.
Register of Primary and Annual Returns
Register of Council Member Fees, Expenses or Allowances
Regulation 29C of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 prescribes the following information to be published on the Council’s official website:
- The type, and the amount or value, of any fees, expenses or allowances paid to each council member during a financial year beginning on or after 1 July 2020.
Register of Council Member Fees, Expenses or Allowances
Register of Council Member Training
Under section 5.126 of the Local Government Act 1995, each council member must complete mandatory council member training as described by regulations.
The mandatory training course prescribed in the Administration Regulations 35 is titled “Council Member Essentials”.
Council members appointed by their respective local governments are required to complete any mandatory training supported by their local government and therefore the Regional Local Government does not undertake this training.
Under section 5.127 of the Local Government Act 1995, a local government must prepare a report for each financial year on the training completed by council members in the financial year and publish on its website.
Under section 5.128 of the Local Government Act 1995, a local government must prepare and adopt a policy in relation to the continuing professional development of council members.
Council adopted Policy 1.5 – Conference and Industry Events Attendance, supporting individual and group professional development relating to waste management.
Register of Council Member Training
Register of Council Member & CEO Events Attendance
Section 5.90A of the Local Government Act requires that local governments have an attendance at events policy. The purpose of the policy is for the council to actively consider the purpose of and benefits to the community from council members and the CEO attending events.
Council adopted Policy 1.5 – Conference and Industry Events Attendance. The policy provides a framework for the acceptance of invitations to various events, clarifies who will pay for tickets or the equivalent value of the invitation.
The tickets should be provided to the local government and not individual council members. A ticket or invitation provided by a donor to an individual in their capacity as a council member or CEO is to be treated as a gift to that person, unless the tickets or invitation is referred to the local government to be considered in accordance with the policy.
Any gift received over $300 is specifically excluded from the conflict of interest provisions if: the gift relates to attendance at an event where attendance has been approved by the council in accordance with the council endorsed Attendance at Events policy, or the gift is from specified entities.
Excluded gifts are still a gift that must be disclosed and published on the gifts register if over the value of $300 and received in the capacity of council member or CEO.
Register of Council Member Minor Breach Complaints (Rules of Conduct)
Complaints relating to a council member committing a minor breach (such as breach of a rule of conduct), are referred to the Local Government Standards Panel.
A breach by a council member of his/her local government’s code of conduct is not a minor breach.
Complaint about Alleged Breach Form – Code of Conduct for Council, Committee and Group Member
There are no breaches to report for 2021/2022.